Gazebo Classic
Installing Gazebo Classic
Gazebo Classic reached end of life in January of 2025 and was replaced by Gazebo Fortress in Humble.
To install gazebo classic:
Sometimes gazebo has the wrong resource path and the correct one has to be added to the ~/.bashrc
Launching Gazebo Classic
To launch gazebo classic simply run gazebo
If you want to launch gazebo classic with ROS2 you will have to use its launch file:
It can be trick to use gazebo classic launch file in another launch file, but it can be done with the following code:
Using a robot in Gazebo Classic
To get robot to appear in a Gazebo world first launch gazebo classic like show previously. Then use the following commands to advertise the robot description and spawn it in gazebo classic.
# start gazebo
ros2 launch gazebo_ros
# advertise the robot description
ros2 run robot_state_publisher robot_state_publisher --ros-args -p robot_description:="$(xacro /path/to/my_robot1.urdf.xacro)"
# spawn robot
ros2 run gazebo_ros -topic robot_description -entity my_robot1
<let name="urdf_path" value="$(find-pkg-share my_robot1_description)/urdf/my_robot1.urdf.xacro"/>
<let name="rviz_config_path" value="$(find-pkg-share my_robot1_bringup)/rviz/urdf_config.rviz"/>
<node pkg="robot_state_publisher" exec="robot_state_publisher">
<param name="robot_description" value="$(command 'xacro $(var urdf_path)')"/>
<include file="$(find-pkg-share gazebo_ros)/launch/">
<arg name="world" value="$(find-pkg-share my_robot1_bringup)/worlds/"/>
<node pkg="gazebo_ros" exec="" args="-topic robot_description -entity my_robot1"/>
<node pkg="rviz2" exec="rviz2" output="screen" args="-d $(var rviz_config_path)" />
Building and Launching a World
To build a world in gazebo classic you can follow this tutorial Once the world is build and save it can be launched with the following command.
or or in an XML launch file